Thursday, December 8, 2011

Peeta is in critical condition. I'm no medical specialist, and right now we need one badly. He has a high fever, isn't hungry, blood-poisoning in his leg along with a cut down to the bone. Cato sliced him, when Peeta tried to save me. Now it's my turn to save him. I wish sponsors would give me the medicine I need for him, but it must be very expensive now.

There is a feast at the Cornucopia that has Peeta's medicine. I need to get there but he won't let me. Haymitch sends me berries that will knock Peeta out for a full day so I can go get his medicine. When I get there I go straight for the medicine not stopping to think about anyone else who is just about to attack me. Clove catches me and almost kills me but then Thresh kills her. I get the medicine and go back to Peeta to give it to him.

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